Many people are suffering from many diseases and addictions. Three out of ten die from cancer and one fourth of population (Korea) experience mental illness more than once in their life time. Many students are at high risk for internet and computer addictions. In addition, the number of patients with autoimmune illness is increasing every year. Although the disease is so severely prevalent in the present age, neither cure nor solution are found yet. As the way of prevention and treatment, the NEWSTART program is a God-given opportunity that is essential in this age. If applied properly, many people can expect healing. We've seen healings from many patients who had suffered from cancer, autoimmune diseases, addictions, mental illnesses, even unknown diseases. And now they go back to their family and enjoy a happy home. We will do our best to help you so that healing experience could be yours as well. Is there anyone who wants to be healed in the body or mind? Is there anyone who wants a new spiritual experience that could bring happiness? Those who want to meet Jesus regardless of your illness, please come to Saeronam and experience healing for your body and mind. We welcome you all.
Yong-kun Kim, Director
Jong-sook Kim, Associate Director