Success Stories

운영자 4:6
[Testimony]“With all my problems, I should have been dead”
운영자 28:52
23.07.08 ホジンさんの母の証「私の息子は心が壊れていました。 私は母親として失格でした。」
운영자 15:20
23.07.08 ホジンさんの証「コンピューターゲームとポルノビデオ依存から自由を得る」
운영자 21:13
23.07.08 Testimony-Homin “I was Angry, Bipolar and Addicted to Stocks.”
운영자 9:40
23.07.08Testimony-Hojin’s dad “My Wife as Angry and Out of Control”
운영자 4:44
23.07.08 Testimony-Hojin’s mom “My Son was Losing His Mind. I had failed as a Mother.”
운영자 13:59
23.07.08 Testimony-Hojin “Finding Freedom from Addiction to Computer Games and Pornography”
운영자 20:21
[証] 最高の病院、最高の医師
운영자 17:33
운영자 5:07